We Play Coins

Domain name prices increase from September 2022

Domain name prices increase from September 2022
By We Play Coins
Added on Aug 29, 2022

Back in Febraury Verizon Verisign had announced that it will increase prices on .com domains. Prices will increase from wholesale price of $8.39 to $8.97+ICANN fees on September 1, 2022. That’s a 7% increase, the maximum allowable under a contract with ICANN that is approved by the U.S. government. Domain registrars like Godaddy, Porkbun, NameCheap etc add their own markup above the wholesale price for they services they provide.

If you have domains expiring in the near term, now is the good time to renew them at old prices. Domains can be renewed for up to 10 years at once. With increasing inflation, it is evident that domain name renewal prices will increase almost every year.

Cloudflare is one of the cheapest domain registrar out there and they have updated the pricing table as below:

TLDCurrent Fee (per year)New Fee (per year)Effective Date
.com$8.57$9.15September 1, 2022
.biz$12.81$13.68September 1, 2022
.design$33.18$35.18September 1, 2022
.xyz$8.74$9.33September 1, 2022
.academy$21.68$25.18October 4, 2022
.accountants$66.18$70.18October 4, 2022
.agency$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.apartments$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.associates$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.attorney$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.auction$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.band$16.18$17.18October 4, 2022
.bet$13.33$15.18October 4, 2022
.bike$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.black$40.18$42.68October 4, 2022
.blue$13.33$14.18October 4, 2022
.boutique$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.builders$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.business$7.18$8.18October 4, 2022
.cafe$21.68$25.18October 4, 2022
.camera$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.camp$36.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.capital$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.cards$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.care$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.careers$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.cash$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.casino$99.18$105.18October 4, 2022
.catering$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.center$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.chat$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.church$23.18$25.18October 4, 2022
.city$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.claims$35.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.cleaning$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.clinic$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.clothing$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.coach$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.codes$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.coffee$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.community$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.company$7.18$8.18October 4, 2022
.computer$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.construction$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.consulting$23.18$25.18October 4, 2022
.contact$7.68$9.18October 4, 2022
.contractors$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.cool$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.coupons$35.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.credit$66.18$70.18October 4, 2022
.creditcard$99.18$105.18October 4, 2022
.dance$16.18$17.18October 4, 2022
.dating$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.deals$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.delivery$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.dental$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.dentist$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.diamonds$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.digital$23.18$25.18October 4, 2022
.direct$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.directory$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.doctor$66.18$70.18October 4, 2022
.dog$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.domains$21.68$25.18October 4, 2022
.education$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.email$15.68$18.18October 4, 2022
.energy$66.18$70.18October 4, 2022
.engineer$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.engineering$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.enterprises$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.equipment$14.18$16.18October 4, 2022
.estate$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.events$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.exchange$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.expert$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.express$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.family$17.68$20.18October 4, 2022
.farm$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.finance$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.financial$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.fish$21.68$25.18October 4, 2022
.fitness$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.forsale$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.fund$35.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.furniture$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.fyi$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.gallery$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.games$14.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.gifts$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.glass$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.gold$66.18$70.18October 4, 2022
.golf$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.graphics$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.green$50.18$52.68October 4, 2022
.group$10.18$12.18October 4, 2022
.guide$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.guru$23.18$25.18October 4, 2022
.healthcare$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.holdings$35.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.holiday$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.hospital$35.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.house$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.industries$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.institute$14.18$16.18October 4, 2022
.insure$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.international$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.investments$66.18$75.18October 4, 2022
.jewelry$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.kim$13.33$14.18October 4, 2022
.kitchen$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.land$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.lawyer$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.legal$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.lgbt$33.18$35.18October 4, 2022
.life$21.18$23.18October 4, 2022
.lighting$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.limited$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.live$17.68$20.18October 4, 2022
.loans$66.18$70.18October 4, 2022
.ltd$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.management$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.market$21.18$25.18October 4, 2022
.marketing$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.media$23.18$25.18October 4, 2022
.money$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.mortgage$32.18$35.18October 4, 2022
.movie$200.18$215.18October 4, 2022
.network$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.news$17.68$20.18October 4, 2022
.ninja$14.68$16.18October 4, 2022
.partners$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.parts$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.Pet$13.33$14.18October 4, 2022
.photography$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.photos$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.pink$13.33$14.18October 4, 2022
.pizza$36.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.place$10.18$12.18October 4, 2022
.plus$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.productions$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.promo$13.33$14.18October 4, 2022
.properties$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.pub$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.recipes$35.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.red$13.33$14.18October 4, 2022
.rentals$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.repair$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.report$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.restaurant$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.reviews$16.18$17.18October 4, 2022
.rocks$10.18$12.18October 4, 2022
.run$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.sale$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.salon$36.18$38.18October 4, 2022
.school$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.services$21.18$23.18October 4, 2022
.shoes$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.shopping$21.18$23.18October 4, 2022
.show$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.social$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.software$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.solar$35.68$40.18October 4, 2022
.solutions$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.studio$17.68$20.18October 4, 2022
.style$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.supply$14.18$15.18October 4, 2022
.support$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.systems$15.68$18.18October 4, 2022
.tax$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.taxi$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.team$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.technology$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.tips$15.68$18.18October 4, 2022
.today$15.68$17.18October 4, 2022
.tools$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.tours$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.town$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.toys$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.training$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.university$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.vacations$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.ventures$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.vet$21.68$25.18October 4, 2022
.video$17.68$20.18October 4, 2022
.vin$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.vision$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.watch$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.wine$35.68$38.18October 4, 2022
.works$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.world$21.18$23.18October 4, 2022
.wtf$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022
.zone$21.68$23.18October 4, 2022